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U.Giordanno Mala vita

Verismo double bill- Wexford Festival Opera

The Sunday Times
"production and musical values were as high as any I have experienced [...]
"One of the best Wexford openers in years."

Opera Canada
"all it took was a top-flight staging to bring this duo to whopping veristic life."
"Director Rodula Gaitanou infused Cordelia Chisholm’s updated Chinatown/Little Italy set with a vibrant atmosphere to match the music’s, which, illuminated by the stage action, yielded many an unexpected pleasure."

"Aber schon die alten Griechen scheuten dein Grand Guignol, nicht, auch wenn sie nicht wussten dass solche Kruditäten mal so heißen würden; also langt auch ihre moderne Nachfahrin so effektvoll wie beherzt zu. Beinahe atemlos lässt sie die personenreiche, rasche Handlung sich abspulen. Da wird geprügelt, geliebt und gebarmt und dabei vollsaftig gesungen und musiziert."



"both operas were done with cinematic realism,  complete with fights, stabbings, drunks and the like.  The acting was movie-realistic too rather than “operatic,” and each actor/singer was very, very fine. "
"how wonderful to see and hear (the pieces) in such well-thought out and committed productions.  They gave us a terrific evening of musical theater."


Set and Costume design: Cordelia Chisholm
Lighting design: Paul Hackenmueller
Movement direction: Rebecca Meltzer


Conductor: Francesco Cilluffo

Chorus Master: Erol Girdlestone

Vito: Sergio Escobar
Cristina: Francesca Tiburzi

Amalia: Dorothea Spilger
Annetiello: Leon Kim
Marco: Benjamin Cho
Nunzia: Anna Jeffers

Wexford Festival Chorus and children chorus

Wexford Festival Orchestra

performances 19,25,28,31 October and 3 November in Wexford, Ireland.

pictures: Clive Barda

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